Bollywood: An Audio Script

TL;DR: The Improving Co., a company that creates educational entertainment for English-language learners, put on a series of shows called Tales from India for elementary school students—right in their classrooms. Each show introduced a different aspect of India’s rich history and culture. I wrote this script for a recording about the dance show called Bollywood.

Intention: The recording was used as supplemental listening material played in class after the show. The actor in the recording is meant to come off as kind of annoying and cocky, but also very fun.

Target Audience: 6th-grade elementary school students at bilingual schools in Spain; professors and coordinators. All in a classroom setting.

Tone: playful and humorous.

REPORTER. – Namaste. That’s a way of saying hello and showing respect in India, the country we’ve been exploring this morning with the Showtime series Tales from India. We’ve learned so much about India without having to leave the classroom. This last show was a dance performance, and we’d like to talk to the actor who performed. Hello there, how are you? 

ACTOR. – Namaste. 

REPORTER. – Ah, of course. Namaste! I have to congratulate you for such a fabulous job showing the students the Bollywood dances. 

ACTOR. – Why thank you. My dance shows are always successful. 

REPORTER. – Always? Students always love your shows? 

ACTOR. – Always. 

REPORTER. – That means that you are very good at what you do! 

ACTOR. – Well…I mean…I do a good job. But that’s not the real reason why my Bollywood shows always work. Obviously, you have to be very energetic and everything, you have to know the dances, and these dances are very special, they come from… 

REPORTER. – Wait a second! We’re going too fast; let’s answer one question at a time, please. 

ACTOR. – Oh, ok sorry. 

REPORTER. – No worries. So let’s start with the term, “Bollywood.” 

ACTOR. – Yes of course, Bollywood. Bollywood combines two different words to have two meanings at the same time. I just love it; it says so much in just one word… 

REPORTER. – Please. Slowly. One thing at a time. 

ACTOR. – (Laughs) I’m sorry. I just get so excited…like the song. (Starts clapping and snapping). ‘I’m so excited. And I just can’t hide it. And I know, I know, I know…’ 

REPORTER. – What are the two words in ‘Bollywood?’ 

ACTOR. – Right. So you have Hollywood. Where they make many movies in the world. 

REPORTER. – Correct. 

ACTOR. – And you have Bombay, now called Mumbai, India’s second largest state. 

REPORTER. – Right. And so why do you combine Bombay and Hollywood to make ‘Bollywood?’ 

ACTOR. – For obvious reasons. India is the country with the largest film industry in the world. They make more movies there than anywhere in the world. They make many, many more movies in India than they do in Hollywood. 

REPORTER. – In all of India? Or just in Bombay. 

ACTOR. – In all of India, but a lot of the movies are produced in Bombay, what is now called Mumbai.

REPORTER. – I see. So when you say Bollywood, you’re not just referring to movies made in Bombay, but in all of India. 

ACTOR. – Exactly. Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world, and it’s a combination of the words Bombay and Hollywood. 

REPORTER. – Thanks. I think it’s clear now. But what we saw in the classroom was a dance show, not a film. 

ACTOR. – Yup. 

REPORTER. – (Silence) And…can you tell us why? 

ACTOR. – Why what? 

REPORTER. – If your show consists of dancing, why is it called ‘Bollywood’, which is about making films? 

ACTOR. – Great question! I’ll tell you why. Because almost all Bollywood films are musicals, movies with music and dance. 

REPORTER. – Ok! Now that makes sense. 

ACTOR. – I mean, what’s a Bollywood movie without any dancing in it? 

REPORTER. – Of course. 

ACTOR. – Here let me show you some of the dances. ‘5, 6, 7, 8’ (sound of body movements, snapping and clapping) 

REPORTER. – Um, please, stop, nobody can see what you’re doing. 

ACTOR. – Come on do it with me! ‘1 and 2, move your shoulders…roll for four counts! Come on; roll your arms, ‘1, 2, 3!’ 

REPORTER. – Please wait! I have more questions! Nobody can see what you’re doing! It doesn’t make any sense to dance in a radio interview! 

ACTOR. – It makes lots of sense. Just do it with me. Come on, opposite side, roll your arms, ‘5, 6, 7, 8 and roll up!” 

REPORTER. – That’s wonderful! Makes me want to do it too! 

ACTOR. – So do it. (Actor and Reporter say together ‘5, 6, 7, 8, hands up, shake, clap, hips move in a circle, 1, 2, 3, 4 comb your hair, shake your hip–music from Slumdog millionaire played in background) 

REPORTER. – Now that is a lot of fun! I couldn’t resist. 

ACTOR. – That’s what I was trying to tell you. All of my Bollywood shows are successful because of that. Because Bollywood dances are just irresistible, everyone wants to try them! 

REPORTER. – I can see that. But like I said, nobody can see us dancing in a radio interview; although now that I think about it, maybe it’s better that way. So, the music is from a very famous movie, right? 

ACTOR. – Very famous. It’s called Slumdog Millionaire, and it’s got lots of Bollywood music. The movie is about two kids who… 

REPORTER. – And the name of the song you were dancing to? 

ACTOR. – It’s the Jai Ho dance. But I was improvising some of the moves. 

REPORTER. – They were great. Very expressive. As a Bollywood dance should be, with lots of different, very specific body movements. 

ACTOR. – Yeah. Next time you should dance with all of us during the show. 

REPORTER. – You’re right. Next time then. Thank you so much for speaking with us. 

ACTOR. – No problem. I’m always here to help…and to dance. 

REPORTER. – That’s good to know. Ok everyone, we’ve been… 

ACTOR. – Namaste. 

REPORTER. – Ah yes, Namaste. Alright, we’ve been watching the Showtime series Tales From India. And we just watched a dance show called Bollywood. Get ready for the next show! We’ll be right back! Namaste!


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