Portfolio by Content Type

Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar: A Podcast Script
Education Isaac Shamam Education Isaac Shamam

Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar: A Podcast Script

I wrote (and recorded myself reading) the following podcast about Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar for advanced English language learners at bilingual Spanish junior high and high schools. Students would read along while listening to the podcast. The purpose was to encourage the students to read the book.

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Moby Dick: A Podcast Script
Education Isaac Shamam Education Isaac Shamam

Moby Dick: A Podcast Script

I wrote (and recorded myself reading) the following podcast about Herman Melville’s Moby Dick for advanced English language learners at bilingual Spanish junior high and high schools. Students would read along while listening to the podcast. The purpose was to encourage the students to read the book.

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