Podcast Script About Future Jobs

By Isaac M. Shamam

I wrote (and read) the following podcast script for intermediate and advanced English language learners at bilingual Spanish junior high and high schools. Students would read along while listening to the podcast. They were given reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises afterward. This was part of a series focusing on how technology might impact the future of jobs. 





E-Learning Podcast Script On Future Jobs

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if the internet had never been invented? Things would be much different now, wouldn’t they? You’d probably spend less time staring at screens and more time outside getting fresh air. It’s fun to imagine that every once in a while, but for better or worse, our lives are run by the internet, and information technology is growing exponentially.

Now imagine a future in which every aspect of your life, from what you eat, what you watch and read, to the amount of exercise you do—even what you think, imagine that can all be uploaded onto the internet, so that huge organizations and corporations can analyze it. Maybe this info will be used to control you. Maybe it will be used to make your life easier.

You think, “Hmm, I’m not feeling very well,” but your immune system has already communicated this wirelessly to an artificial intelligence at the closest hospital, which then has an automated service bring you the medicine you need. By the time you’ve even realized that you need medicine, it’s already at your front door. Now, the technology for this has been in the making for years. But what kind of future will it bring?

The real question, then, is what will you do for a living in a world that relies so heavily on automated technology powered by the fastest connections? Will robots and artificial intelligences be taking care of everything, making us useless and obsolete?

Probably not, but you never know. Hopefully, we’ll still need humans to do the jobs of educators, healthcare specialists, therapists, chefs, bartenders, doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and much more.

Of course, how people will carry out these jobs will be different, and will most likely depend on some sort of software, as they increasingly do today. Engineers will certainly have a place in the future, too. We’ll need electrical engineers to manually wire up all the smart devices in our homes; civil engineers to build more sophisticated infrastructure in our cities; software engineers to make sure info is getting efficiently passed around from the millions of gadgets embedded into every aspect of our lives, and environmental engineers to make sure we have reliable sources of renewable energy. Hey creatives, don’t despair! The world will still need people to come up with cool new fashion designs, virtual reality games with exciting new storylines, and more and more forms of exciting entertainment—the sky's the limit!

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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