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Video script for an ad about an online learning magazine
This script was for a video advertising The Improving Co.'s online learning platform created for young learners from ages 6 to 18.
Arts and Craft E-Learning Flipped Class
Podcast Script About Future Jobs
Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar: A Podcast Script
I wrote (and recorded myself reading) the following podcast about Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar for advanced English language learners at bilingual Spanish junior high and high schools. Students would read along while listening to the podcast. The purpose was to encourage the students to read the book.
Moby Dick: A Podcast Script
I wrote (and recorded myself reading) the following podcast about Herman Melville’s Moby Dick for advanced English language learners at bilingual Spanish junior high and high schools. Students would read along while listening to the podcast. The purpose was to encourage the students to read the book.
Invertebrates: Video Scripts
These scripts were written and read for educational science videos whose target audience were intermediate and advanced English language learners in Spanish junior high and high schools.
The Improving Co.
Content for the company’s About page. The Improving Co. specializes in educational entertainment for students ranging from preschool to high school.
Showtime Theatre
Landing-page copy for one of The Improving Co.’s bestselling products: short interactive plays in the classroom. Schools all throughout Spain read this content when deciding if they want to watch our educational plays.
Print and Website copy for Mystery Tales: A Series of Theatre Plays
Copy I wrote for brochures and landing pages about a series of short educational plays performed at schools in Madrid. They are based on famous works of the mystery, horror, and gothic literary genres.
The Online Learning Magazine
As one of The Improving Co.’s most important products, the website content for this online learning magazine had to be appealing to English teachers looking for extra material.
Bollywood: An Audio Script
Another script for one of the many recordings we made at The Improving Co. for schools interested in extra listening material for the shows they purchased.